The Dorn method is a manual therapy form,with which one can treat spinal column and joints fast and effectively. One doesn't need aids for the treatment.
How works the method:
By a malposition of the vertebra the nerves are irritated and the muscles tense up. In addition the intervertebral disc is often compressed strongly, what leads to intense pains. Chronic malpositions vertebras also can lead to organ problems by a permanent compression of the nerves. This malposition is corrected gently by a thumb pressure at the affected vertebra. Without damaging tendons, ligaments or muscles. Also joint pains can be easily treated with this method.
The therapist usually uses only her hands for it. The Dorn method is experience medicine. The sensitive feeling of the experienced therapist decides on the success of the treatment.
The founder of the Dorn method:
At back and joint problems most people go to the orthopedist. There they will be treated with injection, sort out or medicine. Even if there has been a helpful alternative for over 30 years:
Mr Dieter Dorn is a farmer and sawmill operator from Lautrach, Germany. He has a special talent for observation and hands very skillful. Through this he has managed to develop a gentle treatment method, which helps at almost all back and joint problems.
If you are interested on a Seminar in your country, just contact me
What will be taught?
The objective of this seminar is,to make a good Dorn therapists from you. Therefor I pass all my knowledge on:
basic anatomy of the spinal column and joints
leg length correction in theory and practice
methods to be able to treat all joints of the body
recognizing and treating of pelvic asymmetry
palpate and treat a malposition of the vertebra
no fear of the cervical spine
help with scoliose
self-help exercises for the patients - you will learn it by doing...
homework for the patients
how can I guarantee the success of the method
connections between spinal column and organs
illnesses in the light of the spinal column
During the class you will have a lot of time, so you can test what you learned with each other.
Seminar management:
Gabriele Kirchmann, of Dieter Dorn recommended as a Dorn therapist
authorizesed as a Dorn instructor
two days; 14 hours
Lessons language:
The seminars are held in German, English or Spanish.
Seminar documents are available in the respective language.